An artisanal selection of gourmet condiments, from jams and chutneys to vinaigrettes and sauces

M A D E  W I T H  L O V E  I N  K E N Y A

Passionfruit Curd


Jars of Goodness Passionfruit Curd takes you back to simpler days of riding a bicycle in the sunshine, feeling the wind on your face, and the laughter of your friends filling the afternoon. Worry-free days filled with fun and evenings filled with family. You’ll love the natural sweetness of the fresh from the vine passionfruit farmed locally here in Kenya. Our Jars of Goodness Passionfruit Curd can be swirled into vanilla yoghurt and granola, used in an ice box cake, and in tartlets

Cure your passionfruit craving with our Passionfruit Vinaigrette and Hot Passion Sauce

Relive the days of Goodness with Jars of Goodness Passionfruit Curd

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